ActiveClimate™ 24" x 24" Drop-In Ceiling Air Handler and Heat Pump for 48V-DC Systems

Ringdale ActiveClimate™ is a truly revolutionary new way of providing more sustainable climate control within buildings, retail stores, cold storage facilities and cooling or heating cabinets.

Saving Resources

Significant savings in Energy and savings from the lack of ongoing maintenace easily offset the higher initial cost.

The ActiveClimate™ System is made to last at least 15 years for the heat pump and 10 years for the electronics. Made from totally recyclable materials, Ringdale will accept all its products back for recycling or refurbishment at their end-of-life.

Environmentally Friendly

Super Quiet Operation moving air with less than 38 dezibels a 6ft from the unit in a standard room makes it the most quiet in-door air handler available today.

Solid State Heat Pump technology which provides for unsurpassed heating and cooling efficiency that is maintenance free and free from environmentally harmful gases.

The electronics and power drivers run off 48V DC which allows the units to be powered from solar or wind generated power as well as conventional power grid operation.

Based on a pure, clean and closed water loop not using anti-freeze makes the system extremely efficient and safe.

Active Controls

Ringdale’s Climate Control Manager (CCM) powered by an ActiveClimate Unit can be daisy-chained so that multiple units can control the same unit or a string of multiple units.

The CCM and the ActiveClimate Unit are EDSaP signalling and protocol compatible and allow management from Ringdale’s LightSpace Building Automation System or from any other conventional building automation system using a Ringdale BMS adapter.

Net Zero CO2 capable

Where solar and wind produces 100% of the energy the system can be totally carbon emission free making it the most sustainable system on the market.

Easy Installation

A closed and insulated water-loop, condensate capture pipes, external ground loop or other ActiveClimate outdoor heat exchanger a 48V DC circulation pump and 48V DC supply is all that is needed.

We recommend to use a Ringdale approved plumber and a DC electrician to roll out a new system.

48V-DC System

Ringdale can provide the 48V DC power supply as well as Battery Banks, Grid Chargers and PV Chargers for a solar and or wind assist based system.

For more details on Ringdale’s 48V DC Systems see Ringdale DC-Systems website.

Why Ringdale ActiveClimate?

We have been in business for more than 35 years consistently providing coherent technology advances supporting them from product generation to product generation as well as providing compatibility to newer and more advanced version.

Ringdale makes a large range of associated heat exchange and heat pump devices that allow the most efficient use of energy within a building or a community.

This is the most future proof system of Climate Control and Air Conditioning today.

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